I am hoping developers hurry up and fix the issue now that the new OS update is out - my app crashes a lot during use now. BUT - addicting otherwise!!!!
I am hoping developers hurry up and fix the issue now that the new OS update is out - my app crashes a lot during use now. BUT - addicting otherwise!!!!
Was skeptical of it @ 1st, but as others have stated...I cant put it down! So much different Art types you can make with it & you can spend hours just trying different combinations to make your art! I recommend it to any that work with photos or just making Art in general. Must have!
This is one of my favorite apps! There isnt anything you cant turn into a beautiful kaleidoscope picture. Today we did shoelaces on a shoe. Its awesome enough to print off and frame for wall art. Very addictive!!
I love this app. Three recommendations for improving it: 1) A step button for rotating the source image incrementally through the kaleidoscope. 2) An option to hold the lines of reflection steady instead of having them rotate. 3) Occasional updates for additional kaleidoscope styles. #1 above is, in my opinion, the most important. The most frustrating part of using this app as is is trying to do tiny little finger movements to get the image just right, only to have it go too far, or jump one direction or the other when I remove my finger. Thanks!
Live your app. Would like some new features so I could use it even more! If you could tag or select multiple filters at once so you could get more results faster that would be great. I often try many choices. It is a bit painful to wait and nurse one at a time. Also even better would be a function to change hue for the images to get even more choices. Thanks for a great app.
I have used this app for years. All my art is created with the use of this app. Please fix this.